Monday, November 2, 2015


In my humble opinion humour is essential to recovery. If one can’t have fun in recovery then what’s the point of staying clean and sober? When I decided to give up the high cost of low living I had no idea what recovery would entail. I figured that Alcoholics Anonymous was just a place where a bunch of people sat around a table and commiserated about how rotten life was since they couldn’t get wasted anymore. Thank God I was wrong because if that was the reality I wouldn’t have stayed long. Leaving my first meeting I had some hope that life could get better and would be enjoyable. One must always remember Rule 62 of Alcoholics Anonymous – don’t take yourself so seriously. Keeping this mind here is my list of things you don’t want to hear at a 12 Step meeting.

1)      When the speaker opens with, “I’m not a long speaker”, beware. I have fell for this line many the time. In over a decade of experience I have learned that when the speaker says this line you are in for one hell of a long talk. That would okay if the talk was good but inevitably it is long and boring. Which leads me to the next thing you don’t want to hear at a meeting…

2)      When the speaker opens with, “I’m not one for drunkalogs”, you are not only in for a long talk but one with little reference to actual recovery. Usually these talks are indeed a drunkalog and focus on drunken exploits of the speaker.

3)      When it comes to Alcoholics Anonymous and its singleness of purpose you will often hear  a speaker say, “I respect AA’s singleness of purpose but drugs are a part of my story and I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t talk about them.” To me a statement like this is equivalent to someone saying, “don’t take offense but you are an asshole.” Just because the person told me not to take offense doesn’t mean they’re let off the hook for calling me an asshole. The same goes for the saying you respect the singleness of purpose but go on and discuss drug use anyway. I was a carpet crawling, whisky swilling, alcoholic/addict but when I speak at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous I use the term “outside issues” when referring to my drug use. At the most I’ll refer to a white powder I snorted that helped me drink more. There’s nothing in the Traditions that says I can’t share my experience with drug use on an individual basis and that’s what I do in Alcoholics Anonymous.

4)      One thing that drives me crazy occurs at discussion meetings. At many meetings right before they close the chairperson will ask, “is there anyone here with a burning desire to share before we close?” To me this means that if someone is in trouble and needs to get something off their chance or they risk drinking/using then please speak now. What usually happens is that some guy who loves the sound of his own voice (who has already shared during the meeting) will put up his hand and talk just to get a last word in.

5)      Often times you’ll hear the advice, “don’t drink and go to meetings”. Not drinking and meetings are great but if you don’t actually do the 12 Step Program as laid out in the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous you have a great chance of becoming a dry drunk and/or relapsing.

6)      Often in 12 Steps meetings (in all Fellowships) you will hear that relapse is part of recovery. There’s two ways to take that. If when saying this one means that relapse begins as soon as a person, in recovery, begins to have stinking thinking and stops his spiritual maintenance then, yes, relapse is part of recovery and one has to learn how to become aware when this happens to stop it before it leads to a drink or drug. However, often times when someone says this they mean it’s okay if one takes that drink or drug because it was inevitable. Well, I call bullshit on that. That type of relapse is not part of recovery. If one thinks that is true then one is setting himself up for failure by keeping a back door open in one’s mind to go back out.

Some other things that people often share drive me batty. I don’t need to be lectured to (just share your experience). When someone tells me how to pray that is not helpful. I can’t count the number of times that someone has stood at the front of a room and told people that if they don’t pray on their knees then they will not stay sober. I don’t pray on my knees. My Higher Power lifted me up off my knees so I’m not going back down on them. Once in a while you will hear a speaker chastise the audience about not giving enough money during the Seventh Tradition. The Tenth Step Axiom states that when I don’t like something about someone else it’s usually because I see something in that person I don’t like about myself. So don’t put your guilt over not giving to the Seventh on to me. People who lecture on this don’t know the financial situation of those in the audience. “There are no dues or fees” – that should always be remembered.

These are just a few of the things I often hear at 12 Step meetings that I take with a grain of salt.

Dave the Dude

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