Monday, February 27, 2017

Not everyone gets it!

One the reasons that fellowships like Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, etc. work so well is that people are able to identify with each other. Stories, feelings and thoughts I comfortably share in AA would probably shock many people not in the fellowship. If not shocked they probably wouldn’t find something humorous that myself and other recovered alcoholic/addicts do. For example one of my favourite jokes is: What is the difference between and alcoholic and an addict? An alcoholic will steal your wallet. An addict will not only steal it but also help you look for it. To an “earth person” (someone not in recovery) this is not funny at all but to many people in AA, CA, etc. it is.
I was lucky enough to change careers when I entered into recovery. I became an addictions counsellor working with alcoholics/addicts. The majority of staff that I worked alongside with were also in recovery and/or had a family member who were. I got used to making comments, jokes, etc. that they understood and did not need an explanation for. I’m now realizing how great that was.
Due to unexpected occurrences that I’ve faced as I trudge the Road of Happy Destiny I no longer work primarily as an addictions counsellor. My co-workers today are not part of any fellowship and therefore have no insight into how an alcoholic/addict’s mind works – how my mind works. I know this but am so used to sharing things in my previous jobs that I often forget. The other day when someone was talking about a client’s dealings with a crack dealer I made a comment along the lines that my crack dealer wasn’t like that at all. At my old job this would have sparked a few chuckles but at my present one there were just some uncomfortable looks. It reminds of me of the time when I spoke at a meeting and my Dad (an earth person, God rest his sole, Chag Sameach) attended. I was only a few years into recovery and shared the amounts I used to consume on a daily basis. After the meeting I could tell my Dad was quite shocked. Fortunately it was an AA meeting and sticking to the Primary Purpose I did not mention the other substances I consumed regularly. I guess what I’m trying to say is if you are in recovery and work aside others who are also in recovery consider yourself fortunate. If you don’t – remember who your audience is.

Dave the Dude

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