Sunday, May 19, 2013

Even More Star Trek (caution Spoiler Alert for Into Darkness)

As some of you know I am an avid Star Trek fan. This weekend I went to see the latest installment in the re-branding of the original Trek as envisioned by J.J. Abrams. I could try to sum up the sheer awesomeness of this flick in one word but that would do it injustice. A few words to describe it would be: awesome; terrific; amazing; riveting; and truly EPIC.

The movie opens on an away mission on a far away planet. The crew of the Enterprise have decided to save a civilization, still in it's infancy, from the devastating effects of a volcano. It opens with Kirk (Chris Pine) running away from a group of these individuals who are chasing him and soon Dr. McKoy AKA Bones (Karl Urban) as well. Meanwhile Spock (Zachary Quinto) is entering the aforementioned volcano to neutralize the threat. Of course, something goes wrong, and Kirk has to save Spock. In order to save Spock he has to break the Prime Directive (no interference in an evolving civilization). Spock is saved and shortly thereafter admonishes Kirk for breaking the Directive. Kirk answers by saying, so they saw a starship for a few seconds what harm could it do? Cut to the civilization drawing a picture of the Enterprise in the sand and bowing down to it.

This opening scene re-introduces us to the trio that set the tone of the original series and their enduring friendship. We have Kirk's wild west attitude, Bones' dry and metaphoric sense of humour and Spock's irritating logical nature. Ahh the memories abound. Yet each of these actors and the ones who play the other characters we are used to Zoe Saldana (Uhura); Simon Pegg (Scotty); John Cho (Sulu); Anthon Yelkin (Chekov), bring a whole new dimension to the characters so that their depictions do not turn into comedic mockery.

Cut to a few scenes later - back on Earth a Federation facility is blown up and its headquarters attacked by a mysterious stranger. The stranger turns out to be the infamous Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch). The references to one of my favourites (and I'm pretty sure most Trekkers' fave) Trek flick, Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan abound. The timeline has been altered but the character traits have remained the same. Khan is a genetically enhanced human, created in the late 20th Century, out to have his revenge on the Federation. Kirk captures Khan on the planet Cronos (Klingon home world) and vows to bring him back to Earth to face trial. Kirk soon finds out there's more to the story than first meets the eye. Conspiracy, intrigue and action packed scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat abound in this movie. Some of the same things occur in this flick as they did in Wrath but with a slightly different twist that will have any Trekker drooling in his/her seat. The infamous screaming of the name Khan is even replicated. When this occurred I shouted, much to the dismay of my fellow movie watchers, aloud in glee. I think I might of even had an erection.

Speaking of which there is the traditional screwing scene with Kirk and some hot aliens, this time donning tales. The unexpected romance between Spock and Uhura continues in this film with humorous commentary on relationships in general. Scientist Carol Marcus (Alice Eve) who was in Wrath is in this movie too, albeit in a slightly different role (as per the new timeline angle). She has one hot body but I'm still a Uhura fan. This flick was even better than the previous one and ends with the crew of the Enterprise setting upon a five year deep space mission.

Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's five year mission to seek out new worlds, new civilizations. To boldly go where no one man has gone before. (Yes the kept the original scripted words to this infamous opening).

I give this flick five coffees out of five,.
Live Long and Prosper
Dave the Dude

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