Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Fear is Real


I usually just write on recovery stuff but there is a lot of stuff going on in the world today that is effecting me. It is bringing out some fears that I have not experienced before. Since fear is a big part of recovery, I guess this is recovery related after all.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you have to be aware of the attack on Israel on October 7 by the terrorist group Hamas. There were 1,139 people (mostly civilians) killed, 240 people were taken as hostages. Many of the hostages have been beaten, raped and murdered. The attack was followed by Israel defending itself. If this had happened to any other country there would be little criticism. But since it’s Israel it is being heavily criticized by the woke left who support Hamas. I believe a big part of the left’s support of these terrorists is due to fact that the philosophy of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) has gone way beyond its original intent. It was originally supposed to make all people equal but like all good ideas it has been taken over by idiocy. Those who follow IDE now believe that anyone who has overcome challenges and become successful are now the enemies. Combine that with racist Critical Race Theory beliefs and chaos has fallen upon the West. Those of the Jewish race have been taking the brunt of this neo-racism that the woke left hold dear. Just look at university campuses across North America. Misguided woke leftists students have created encampments on campuses and are blocking Jewish students from attending classes. There are pro-terrorist marches blocking traffic and hospitals as well as causing chaos on a weekly basis across the West. I live in Canada and see people waiving pro-Hamas flags daily on bridges over Highway 401.

All of this has created a fear and caution in me that I have never experienced in my 54 years on this planet. I’ve begun wearing a Mogen David (Star of David) to show my support for Israel. However, in the back of my mind I’m always wary of someone saying something to me. I recently posted a funny video on Tiktok where I happened to be wearing a shirt with the Israel flag on it. The video had nothing to do with the current situation. Yet I received some very antiemetic comments including someone telling me I should dress like the Nazis made the Jews dress in the 30s.

The other day I called CAA for a tow as my car wouldn’t start. I happened to be wearing my Israel shirt and, of course, my Mogen David. The driver who came to tow my car was a really nice guy. However, in the back of my mind I kept worrying that he may have some negative views towards Jews. Luckily, this was not the case but I have never had these worries before.

This is nothing compared to what my grandparents went through when they lived in Europe and then came to Canada. I still remember my Bube (Grandmother) crying on a regular basis because all her relatives were murdered in the Nazi concentration camps. Before I was born there was a local golf course with a sign that said “No Dogs or Jews Allowed”.

I remind myself that most people are good and just want to live their lives peacefully

I pray that conflict in the Middle East is over soon and that the current rise in anti-Semitism reverses itself.

Dave the Dude

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