There seems to be a perpetual debate in the recovery
community about whether a person is “recovered” or “recovering”. Even some people
who have worked and continue to work the Steps seem to think one should never
say “recovered”. They say this despite the fact that written on the cover page
of the Basic Text of Alcoholics Anonymous is the statement: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and
Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism.
Altogether the word recovered is used
16 times in the Big Book. As those of us who study the Big Book know Bill Wilson’s
prose was not willy-nilly. Wilson did chose the word recovered just because it sounded good.
You might say, “tomato – tomahto”, that I’m just
arguing semantics. However, it’s no such thing. Alcoholics Anonymous (and all
12 Step Fellowships) are there to offer hope to the newcomer. When I say I’m
recovered I’m showing the newcomer that there is an end game to the chaotic
rollercoaster that is his/her life of addiction. Using the wording recovering
gives the impression that there is no end in site. Why would I want to embark
on a journey that offered no pay off? The pay off of the 12 Steps of Recovery
is that I will no longer be obsessed over my addiction.
I am a recovered alcoholic/addict. I have lost the
obsession to drink and use mind-altering substances. My life is no longer
unmanageable. I go where I want, when I want, with no fear that I will take a
drink and/or drug. I am free. I have been, “rocketed into a fourth dimension”
(Big Book, 1939) that has allowed me the freedom to do so. Prior to having the
spiritual awakening as a result of working and completing the 12 Steps of
recovery I had no freedom. I had lost the power of choice when it came to
drinking/drugging. My whole life revolved around getting rid of my
restlessness, irritability and discontentment through the use of alcohol/drugs.
Now that I am recovered I am not longer a slave to the master of alcohol/drugs.
I have the freedom to make choices not based on an obsession to obtain and use
mind-altering substances. I have the freedom to accept the consequences my
choices have – regardless of them being positive or negative consequences. And
if they happen to be negative consequences I have the freedom to deal them in a
healthy way rather than trying to escape them.
Don’t get me wrong. I am in no way saying I have been
cured of my addiction. What I am saying is that I have put my disease into
remission. As the Big Book says I have a, “daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance
of [my] spiritual condition”. Which means I must continue to work the Steps
into my daily life. I am recovered from this, “seemingly hopeless condition of
mind and body” (Big Book, 1939), as long as I continue to Trust God – Clean House
– Help Others.
Dave the Dude
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