So I was at my favourite Tim Hortons Drive-Thru the other day waiting in line. I kept two car spaces between myself and the vehicle in front of me so that the those exiting could get out. From out of the blue this guy in a White Ford pick-up dashes in front of me. Not only did he cut in line he also blocked the exit for the vehicles I was trying to let out. Usually when a fellow motorist does something to piss me off I curse aloud in my vehicle. However, this time the rage was beyond that. I shouted the word asshole out several times, enunciating each syllable clearly, in hopes that he would be able to see it in his review mirror. Kind of stupid logic when I think about it now, for this guy was most likely the illiterate, white-trash, sleezoid, my hometown of Shwa (AKA: Oshawa) is known for. So it was ridiculous for me to think he could read yet alone read my lips through his rear-view mirror. Luckily these idiots are slowly going the way of the mullet. But I digress. Fuming it was finally my turn to order. I gave my usual order but at the end I requested that the employee tell the moron in front of me that he was an asshole. I'm pretty sure she didn't even though she told me she did when I got to the pick-up window.
This incident got me to thinking about the all the idiot motorists out there who don't seem to know, or care, about the rules of the road and care even less about being polite to their fellow motorists. Here are a few of my pet peeves that I see motorists commit each day.
Not signalling. Jesus, it's not to hard to push the little lever in your vehicle to communicate to those behind you that you are turning left or right. It drives me crazy when some one just stops in the middle of the road without a blinker on leaving those behind to question the sanity of the driver. While I'm on the subject of turning when I'm making a left hand turn (or going straight for that matter at a red light) I get as close as I can safely get to the centre of the road so that those behind me can either go straight or turn right. The curses echo throughout my car whenever I am stuck behind someone who cannot comprehend this simple idea. Sticking to the subject of signalling. I appreciate those who have mastered said skill but please, PLEASE, put your signal on prior to hitting your breaks. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I said I live in Oshawa which is often referred to as a dormitory town. Meaning, most of us sleep here but we commute to work outside of the city. The majority of people drive to Toronto (which I did for approximately five years) but luckily I drive the opposite way. Despite less traffic I still travel on the 401 and run into a multitude of moronic drivers. The worse offender is the person who does not understand that the left lane is not for those driving under the speed limit. If you wonder why vehicle after vehicle is passing you in the middle lane it probably means you are slowing everyone up by driving like a grandma in the fast lane. Move the fuck over already. When driving in this lane one is to maintain the speed of the, 'flow of traffic'. If you want to drive at a leisurely pace go in the middle or right lanes. It's easy for the majority of us to understand this simple rule but for some of you it does not seem to compute.
When getting on to a highway there is a lane called the on-ramp. There are two roles for this lane. First it is designed to allow one to merge into highway traffic. Secondly it is designed to allow someone to get up to highway speed in order to merge safely into said traffic. To this day I cannot understand the person who maintains city street speed while driving on an on-ramp. If you don't want to drive fast then take the scenic route or go to Toronto and take the DVP.
For those of us who are able to get up to a proper speed on the on-ramp would the guy in the lane next to us please move the hell over so we can get on. It's actually illegal for you stay in that lane, blocking those trying to merge into traffic.
The above pet peeves are but a few of the things other motorists do to irk myself and thousands, nay millions, of motorists on a daily basis. I would list more but my rage meter is going through the roof. I'd love to hear some your stories and pet peeves.
Oh and more thing - if I let you into traffic give me a damn wave or a head nod. I always do to those who show me driving compassion.
Dave the Dude
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