A recent court ruling has given a Muslim woman permission to wear the niqab at the swearing in ceremony for Canadian Citizenship. Despite this ruling the Harper government may challenge the ruling, wasting a ton of taxpayers' money on a non-issue.
The lady in question has already removed her niqab for the test and other pertinent, identity establishing, aspects of the process. The ceremony itself does not need for her to show her face. In fact, one of the laws in Canada is freedom to celebrate one's own culture/religion at the swearing in ceremony. This is part of Canada's on-going promotion of multiculturalism.
Canada is heading towards an election and each party is looking for votes. Could this move by the Harper government be merely a move to pander to the racist voters of Quebec? I believe so. For decades politicians have been trying to appease the nationalistic, jingoistic, Quebecers. This pandering often goes against the basic ideals of the majority of Canadians yet it goes on. The close mindedness of our Quebec partners will continue to set us at odds with one another. I don't see an end to this type of indulgence politicians give to Quebecers.
But I digress. Even though according to many Muslims (most notably author and journalist Tarek Fatah) the niqab is not even a part of the Muslim religion but a tribal belief, this is Canada, and we do not have fashion laws. We have fascist language police in some provinces but so far no fashion police. If we did have fashion police don't you think a better objective would be to make those kids pull their damn pants up?!!
I've been hearing a lot of callers on TalkRadio call the niqab and other Muslim dress unCanadian. It makes me think about how my own ancestors felt when their strange Jewish garb was looked down upon when they first emigrated to Canada. Today it's not strange at all to see orthodox Jews walking the streets of Toronto.
(This is a pic of my Great Grandfather. An Orthodox Jew from Poland).
Let's stop wasting time and energy on this foolish endeavour and get back to solving the real issues of this nation: economy, jobs, health care and real threats to our security.
Dave the Dude
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