As I stated two blogs ago I had a recent trip to the ER due to some chest pains that may or may not have been heart related. A follow up appointment was made to the cardiologist. In my experience the wait time at a specialist's office is not long at all. I've seen several specialists over the years. So I went to this appointment thinking I'd be in and out in no time. Luckily I brought a book to read.
I should have realized that something was amiss when I entered the office and they were showing a movie. I've been to offices where they have the TV on but never a full-length movie. I checked in with the nurse and took a seat. I mostly read my book but would glance up at the movie, Mama Mia, periodically. One thing I did notice was that I was the youngest guy in the waiting room. Most of the other patrons seemed to be at least 15 to 20 years my elder. Usually when I'm in a waiting room it's pretty quiet but these people were having loud discussions all around. Mostly about the movie they were watching. It was pretty amusing.
After about an hour wait I was called into a room to do a test on a treadmill. The tech shaved several areas of my chest and stomach with a disposable razor without shaving cream. He proceeded to rub the shaved area with an alcohol swab. Oy, did it sting. It stung for the whole test. I was then hooked up to several wires and proceeded to run at different speeds on the treadmill. After approximately 20 minutes I sat down out of breath. I returned to the waiting room to await the cardiologist himself. By the time I returned to the waiting room there was another movie on. I paid scant attention to it but by the time it was over and another movie was put on I still had not seen the doctor.
Finally I was called in to see the cardiologist. He told me that most of the time the test I had taken either showed something wrong or everything was okay. Unfortunately, in my case the test was inconclusive and I would have to return for further testing. I will also have to have a 48 hour heart monitor on as well.
The total time I spent at this office had been five hours. The week before I had spent six hours at the ER. I was not allowed to have any coffee 24 hours prior to the test and by the time I left the office I realized, for the first time, just how important my morning coffee is to me. I could barely keep my eyes open.
I have two more appointments coming up and have no expectations that the wait will be short. If it's one thing I have learned is that if my acceptance is higher than my expectations then I won't get upset. I guess I'll have to work on my acceptance of wait times between now and my next appointments.
Dave the Dude
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