Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ford Nation is Still Alive and Well or How the Media Industry in Toronto Has Gone to Hell in a Handbag

If I was a resident of Toronto during the last election I would have been part of Ford Nation and voted for the Honourable Rob Ford. Why? He is an honest guy who just wanted to help the average taxpayer and was sick of the gravy train of entitlement that enveloped the miasmic Toronto City Hall.

Many people ask me why I care what happens in the City of Toronto if I don't even live there. I tell them because it's the capital of this great Province of Ontario (at least what's left of it since the Liberals have been in power) and what it does effects all of us. Case in point: David Miller and his cabal of socialists brought in the five cent bag rule at Toronto grocery stores. The idea was supposed to help save the environment. It hasn't done that at all. What it did do, however, was to allow the corporations, yes the same entities that those socialists dislike so much, to make much more money. When the corporations saw this profit the five cent bag rule spread like wildfire across the province. Now I can barely go anywhere without having to pay five cents for the right to carry the $100 worth of groceries, I just bought, back to my car. Next thing you know this green idea that makes taxpayers lose money will take off with other governments. Next thing you know the Ontario Liberal government will be paying over the market prices for green energy and sticking it to the taxpayer. Oh wait - that's already happening.

But I digress. Let's get back to Rob Ford. Unlike the slick politicians we are used to Rob Ford is a real guy with real guy faults. So what if he isn't as politically correct as most people? So what if he isn't exactly coordinated like most people? Does this have anything to do with the running of the fourth largest city in North America? I think not.

Unlike most politicans Rob Ford tells it like it is and keeps his promises. Unlike the Liberals who lie on a regular basis yet keep getting re-elected primarily due to Toronto voters. Let's look at some of Rob's accomplisments. He's gotten rid of the sense of entitlement previosuly mentioned in this blog. He has taken on the unions and won. He didn't back down like his predecessor David Miller did - remember the garbage strike that ended Miller's career as mayor? Ford brought in private garbage collection for half the city and if all goes as planned the whole city will have private garbage collection. The condo market is the highest it's ever been as is tourism in Toronto. Sure you could say that Ford isn't solely repsonsible for that but if it wasn't up he'd be blamed entirely by the likes of rags like the Toronto Star.

Yes the good ole Toronto Star. This paper has been after Ford since his campaign to run for mayor. One of it's first stories was a story about Rob Ford assaulting a high school student on the football team he coached. The story was quickly proven to be wrong. Speaking of wrong Ford has successfully won three lawsuits against him - lawsuits brought on by the leftist cabal of sore losers who can't stand someone to be in office who won't gladly hand over money willy nilly no matter what the cost. The worst part of the whole lawsuit fiasco is that the court says that the plaintiffs don't even have to pay for Ford's court costs. This decision will allow frivilous court cases to be brought against Ford or any other politician - all at the taxpayer's expense. Yes the taxpayer - that's what this is about. The so-called 99 percent that sociliasts love to defend  in speeches but not in actions.

The latest Toronto Star story has caused quite the stir throughout the Western world. A story based on allegations of an alleged video that allegedly was seen by three people, two of them Toronto Star reporters, but can't be produced. I think Jerry Agar of Newstalk 1010 said it best when he tweeted, "I would prefer Rob Ford drunk & stoned compared to Miller or McGuinty." Here, here!!!

If Rob Ford is smoking crack and doing the job he is presently doing then imagine what he could do if he wasn't smoking crack. As a reovered crack addict/alcoholic I can truly say that would be unbelievable. Also as a former crack addict/alcoholic  I can honestly say that it would be highly unlikely for someone to keep up such a pace and be smoking crack at the same time. But hey what do I know? I'm just a well wishing, taxpaying, blogger.

Now the Globe & Mail has come out with some story about the rest of the Ford family but primarly about Doug Ford. It alleges that Ford was a bigtime hash dealer in the 80s. Who gives a rat's ass about what happened 30 years ago? If this were the case he has certainly cleaned himself up. Once again I am pulling out the recovered crack addict/alcoholic card and saying I believe in second chances. If I didn't I'd probably be dead right now and unable to write this blog.

The most sordid thing out of the most recent articles is the unamed sources. Can we at least have a couple of named sources? Maybe someone should do an article on how the media in this country has seemed to lower itslef into the same sludge that it's accusing the Fords of being in.

Although I would have advised him to come out a helluva of lot sooner than he did, Rob Ford, has finally denied his crack use. As soon as I heard his press conference I knew the criticisms would start coming out. With the constant barrage of media attention since he first took office I'm surprised Ford hasn't had a nevervous breakdown causing him to have to take some of the finer, legal drugs, our pharmaceutical industry can produce.

Ford said today he plans to keep on trucking and to run again in the next mayoral election. Good for him. If I didn't hate Toronto so much I would move there just to vote for him.
Dave the Dude

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