Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time Saving

In this fast-paced, texting, grammarless, ambivalent towards spelling society I have found an ever-growing need to save time. Here are just a few ways I have found to put more bang in the buck of my day.

In the morning a great way to save time is by brushing your teeth and peeing in the shower. I find brushing your teeth in the shower gets them more clean and takes about 30 seconds off the day. As for peeing in the shower. You can wash yourself and pee at the same time - those morning pees do take a long time. Plus you're saving water by not having to flush. Now if you have to do a number two your SOL (pun intended). Of course, if you train your body to only defecate every other day then that's an awesome time saver.

I find a lot of time is spent washing dishes. That's why I try never to use a plate or cutlery. By eating sandwhichs, hotdogs or anything that is encompassed by bread or a pita you can eat with your hands. A napkin or paper towel makes a fine plate and you can use it to wipe your mouth clean afterwards. That saves anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute.

Doing laundry is always a time eating duty. Just follow one simple rule: you don't have to wash your clothes, sheets, etc. until you smell them yourself. If you wear the same pants, underwear and socks for two to three days in a row no one is wiser. No one ever looks at those. A different shirt every day keeps people unaware that half your wardrope was warn yesterday. Don't stop there - don't throw that shirt in the wash. You can wear the same shirt every other or every three days and peope don't know it hasn't been washed. Quite the time saver.

Multitasking is a big time saver. Driving and eating breakfast on the way to work. Not wiping your ass but jumping in the shower immediatly after not only saves time but saves toilet paper and thus money as well. Time equals money my friends.

The only thing I haven't been able to save time doing is driving. Now in typical alcoholic thinking if everyone did as I said then things would go smoothly. Why when merging onto the highway do people have to drive all the way to the end of the merging line thus block traffic as they stop to find a way into the next lane? I always look for a spot to merge in before I reach the end. If drivers kept an eye on the walk/stop lights they would also be able to factor in when to speed up so they can make that green/amber light in time. Stop day dreaming and pay attention.

Just a few things that help me during my day so I have more time for the more important things in life like thinking of ideas for this blog.
Dave the Dude

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