Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ford: A Perfect Case Study

The current crisis we see unfolding with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is a perfect example of denial, blame, minimization and lying in terms of addiction. I don’t know if Ford has a crack addiction or not but from some of his actions and statements he has made it sure seems he has an alcohol problem. I’m an alcoholic/addict myself and can sure relate to what Ford is currently going through. For the vast majority of alcoholic/addicts we didn’t go into recovery willingly we went scratching, biting and screaming to the bitter end. For many people, myself included, it takes several attempts before you have success. There are several ways to get sober but I have found that most successful is a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy combined with a 12 Step program.
When one is in an active addiction he or she will say anything to minimize and deny the problem. Last Sunday (Nov. 3) on his radio show, on Newstalk 1010, Ford admitted he had a problem but severely minimized it by saying it was wrong to be intoxicated in public and he would limit his drinking to his home. When I was at the stage Ford was in I tried to hide my drinking from the people around me by isolating and drinking in secret and/or by myself. Alcoholics Anonymous’ Big Book tells us that when we are in the midst of active alcoholism we, “cannot differentiate the truth from the false”.  This is where Ford seems to be now. In his head everything seems to be okay if he just cuts down on his drinking and apologizes.
“That was pure stupidity. I shouldn’t have got hammered down at the Danforth. If you’re going to have a couple drinks you stay home, and that’s it. You don’t make a public spectacle of yourself.” (Ford, Nov. 3).
What Ford doesn’t realize is that it’s not the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. drink that causes the problem it’s the first one. The first one sets an alcoholic off. The Big Book uses the analogy of an allergy – an alcoholic is allergic to alcohol. Once we take that first drink we cannot stop on our own. That is the physical aspect of the disease. We also have a mental obsession surrounding alcohol.
Ford is even in denial of his lying. The day he admitted to smoking crack he said he wasn’t lying when he denied smoking crack. Ford stated, “I wasn’t lying, you didn’t ask the correct question”. When I was active in my alcoholism and drug addiction I was lying right, left and centre (not in a political way). I lied so much I couldn’t keep track of the lies. Ford seems to be having similar problems.
The outcry and disappointment we are seeing from Ford supporters is exactly what family members of alcoholics and addicts go through on a daily basis. Addiction is a family disease and effects more than just the person imbibing. However, it has been well established that the person with the issue needs to come to his/her own conclusion that they cannot fix this thing on their own and ask for help from others.
Addiction is a disease and like any disease it needs to be treated. It’s also the only disease that tells you that you don’t have it. If Ford had a heart attack and went for treatment in the hospital there would not be calls for his resignation. The same should go for treating an addiction. What Ford needs to do is step down, go to treatment to deal with his issues and be allowed to return to work after. 
Dave the Dude

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Winning Essay

I recently helped my de facto niece, who lives in Florida, with an essay. It was for a contest to win dinner and a shopping spree with the Miami Dolphins. She won. (Above pic is Danielle on her way to meet the team) Here is that essay:

Why I Want to Meet the Miami Dolphins
During the fall if you were to walk into my home you might think it was Christmas. In fact it’s something better - it’s football season and everyone is cheering for the Miami Dolphins. The second best gift I can think of is sitting in front of the TV with my brothers and step-dad watching the Dolphins “…take the ball from goal to goal like know one’s ever seen”.  Even though we’re at home, I swear, our cheers can be heard in the Sun Life Stadium. The BEST gift I could ever receive would be getting to meet the dolphins in person. My brothers would be so jealous, especially since I’m the only girl (besides my Mom) in our home. It would be something I would remember for the rest of my life.
No football team has ever broken or even come close to my Dolphin’s 1972 season. I would be considered a superstar in my home if I were able to meet a team with such a legacy.
I would love the opportunity to go dinner and grocery shopping with the Miami Dolphins. It will be an honor to meet the QB Ryan Tannerhill. He has already won a few games and I know he can lead the way to Super Bowl Victory.
I can just envision myself many years from now watching the Dolphins with my own kids and telling them about the time I got to meet our favorite team in person. I have goose bumps just thinking about it.
The Miami Dolphins inspire thousands of kids each year. Having dinner with my favorite NFL team would be a boost to my self-confidence and an inspiration to be the best I can in all aspects of life. 
Even if I don’t win this contest I am grateful for the opportunity to enter. It is a dream of mine to meet the Miami Dolphins. The soundtrack of that dream is the team song.
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number One.
Yes we’re the
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number One

Saturday, November 2, 2013


It was approximately four to five years before I became sober that I was in Richmond Hill at a girl's house I had been dating and we were watching  a movie. As any good alcoholic knows you can't just watch a movie without something to drink so I had my usual magnum of wine. After the movie I headed home to Oshawa.

Even though I had to drive with one eye closed, so I'd stop seeing double, I manged to talk on my cell phone. I finally made it home to the Shwa. Being the keen addict I figured I wasn't driving up to my usual par of excellence so I thought I better stop at the local strip club to see if I could get some cocaine. In my head cocaine always straightened me out when I had drank too much. In the words of comedian and late night show host Craig Ferguson, "cocaine is a vitamin that helps me drink more".

I had just stepped out of the car and was shutting the door when someone jumped on my back and started beating the crap of me. Not knowing what the hell was happening I fought back. The person, it turned out it was a she, jumped off my back and told me I was under arrest and that she was a cop. I asked to see her badge and she said no.

When no badge was produced I  laughed and began to head to the bar when she jumped on me again. Once more she attacked me and I fought back. At this time two customers stumbled out of the strip club and the alleged cop called out for help. These guys grabbed me and slammed my head into the brick wall. It was then that she showed me her badge.

It turns out that the lady was a recent graduate of the academy and had been heading home, with a friend, from some Christmas party when she observed me driving erratically and decided to follow me all the way from Toronto to the Shwa.

The Durham cops finally showed up and took me into custody where I was charged with DUI. The case dragged on for a couple of years because the female cop who had followed me home was the star witness and she kept not showing up for court. Finally after several no shows by the star witness the judge threw the case out of court because it was taking too long.

Dave the Dude